Marketing Kits 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇦🇪

To enter a new market can be tricky, challenging and a lot of fun. To establish an European business in a other country can be exciting and mean a lot to the business as well. It is plenty of different facts to consider and we have in our Marketing and Communications guide gathered information about Communication, Business Culture and Marketing Process.

“Worth knowing”, “How to market your company in a new country”, “The marketing process”, “Tips to read”, “Do’s and dont’s” and “Tips from Clusters in Europe”. Enjoy your reading!

Marketing Kit Canada 🇨🇦

Marketing Kit USA 🇺🇸

Marketing Kit the United Arab Emirates 🇦🇪


Conference in Ostrava, Cz - all INTonomous companies invited!


The journey to UAE